Steve Richardson’s Magic Muesli Raw Deluxe

Melbourne’s Famous Premium Muesli

For two decades Steve Richardson has made his untoasted ‘raw deluxe’ muesli for family and friends. The recipe is based on fresh, local and organic ingredients. Food miles are important to us. The product is not mass produced or made in bulk for wholesale. Magic muesli is a blend of super foods, beneficial to your health and well being.
Recharge your body with natural ingredients that hold essential nutrient rich vitamins and minerals, omega 3- fatty acids, antioxidants that assist in building your immune system, fibre with cholesterol lowing qualities

Not toasted no added sugar no syrups no juice no added fats no preservatives

Available From …

Wild Things Food
228 St Georges Rd North Fitzroy

Rose Street Pantry

48 Rose St Fitzroy

Aherns Fruit Market

29 Toors Rd Foster

Miss Gourmet – Gifts & Hampers

726 Glenferrie Rd Hawthorn